Let's start

In one of her podcasts, Wannabe dev talks about the importance of having an objective—a path to follow—and a deadline. I completely agree with her, and this is what I will do.

What's my objective? I still haven't got it clear so much, but trying to be a developer is already an objective, no? 😅...  I think so, but I also know that IT covers a wide variety of specializations, so it isn't easy to choose the right path. 

When I was in high school, I loved coding so much that I would stay up late at night to solve a problem assigned that same day, even if it was due the next week. The idea of returning to code and solve problems is very interesting to me.

I started learning how to code with C, so it will be a great way to start again. During my research on the internet, I stumbled upon Harvard's CS50, which is a deep and very well-done introduction to computer science offered by Harvard University—where C plays an important role. And listen carefully: IT'S COMPLETELY FREE. I won’t spend more time describing it, but you can click on the link if you want to take a look. This is also where Wannabe Dev starts, so that's one more reason to begin here 😂.

I plan to finish CS50 no later than September 1st, and afterward, I will probably start with the Odin Project's fundamentals path (more on that after CS50). The moment to see if I'm doing well will be at the end of the year, hoping to become something like what you would call "Wannabe Dev" by July 2025—one year after the opening of this blog.

I will post updates weekly, also because CS50's lessons are scheduled that way, so stay tuned!


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