CS50 - week 2 - array

Hi everyone!

I'm here to tell you how week 2 went (I've already started week 3, too 🫣).

The main topic of the lesson was about arrays, a common data structure used in almost every high-level programming language. But before arrays, the lecture covered various operations that compilers perform to run our programs in depth, functions and scope and some other command line arguments.

The amazing thing I love about CS50 is that every lesson is challenging. If submitting the solution to the last problem makes you feel good and almost like an expert, the problems of the next week make you feel incompetent (according to my experience haha).

This was the case with the last two problems called Caesar and Substitution, which were very challenging for me in the beginning. I must also say that the journey to the solution is always amazing, and the feeling you get when you complete even a small part of the problem is incredibly satisfying.

This image represents the Caesar cipher used by Julius Caesar to send confidential messages by shifting each letter by a certain number of places according to alphabetical order. This was one of the problems in this lecture.

Thanks for reading this post, and see you in the next one about week 3 (with the most famous and challenging problem called Tideman).

Have a good day and happy coding!


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